I was interested in the topic of water pollution. I was also skeptical that the officials were telling the public the truth. When the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks issued a "Do Not Eat the Fish," advisory for a 100 Mile stretch of the Clark Fork River, I thought why. Then I thought about the cattle and the horses, the other livestock, living downstream from the place the Agent Orange entered the river. I then thought about all the woodland creatures. The Osprey, all they eat is fish. The Bald Eagle, the minx, the raccoon as well all live close to the river. I knew where the poison was entering the water, and what it could do if ingested into a living organism's system. What I really wanted to know, was the water healthy for the stock animals, and the horses to drink? I began by filming the relevant video footage.
After shooting an enormous amount of video footage I put together a half hour packed full of what is really at stake. The officials are saying the waters do not pose a threat to farm animal health. I ask the question: "Should we really take the chance and expose them, or should we isolate them from the waters of the lower Clark Fork River?"
Credits and acknowledgements for the film can be viewed below. The film, is in three segments that are all located on the “Agent Orange Polluting an American River” tab below the “Welcome” tab above.