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Geomagnetic Compendium

Powering The Future

Key Words


Geomagnetism, geomagnetic, magnet, electromagnetic, electromotive, force, flux, antimatter, graphene, microelectronics, mechanical engineering, applied mechanics, combined, theory, metallic hydrogen, differential, multivariable calculus, parametric, chord, novel, asymptote, materials engineering, engineering design, mathematics engineering.




A part of the hypothesis centered at the basis of the geomagnetic compendium, surrounding each and every prospected capacity of the geomagnetic compendium in and upon activation, this generator should create a supply of energy for a future world that will require new technologies to sustain its current way of life. Non-traditional parametric equations are introduced as a novel means to measure the Gaussian surface, active magnetic zone. It is theorized that geomagnetic compendiums, will produce energy far into the future without the need of current fossil or environmental fuels input, and will emit no greenhouse gasses. 




In a world changing through technology and human advancement, one of the most desirable human survival practices is to covert energy into a usable form without the need or input of fossil fuels. Each year human consumption world-wide consumes better than 11 billion tons of oil equivalent energies in the form of fossil fuels.[1]


It is estimated that 1.66 trillion barrels of oil are left in the earth’s petroleum reserves.[2] At an extraction rate of 79.17 million barrels a day,[2] it is also estimated that the earth’s crude oil reserves will deplete to a point when they are no longer economically accessible 

by the year:

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) documents that in 2015, 95.01 million barrels of oil were extracted from the earth world-wide on a day by day basis. This rate is in excess to Central Intelligence figures, as depicted above.[3] The EIA also estimates that there are difficulties estimating when the world will see an end to economically viable crude oil, intenerate new technologies advance the estimated reserves year by year. At present, the EIA predicts the world will not experience a crude oil shortage until after the year 2040.[3]


The present date for the end of Crude Oil, as documented by is ~41 years from the date this Quality Control was published, that is in 2063.


As for the United States, in 2014 EIA reports predicted that 36.4 million barrels of the world’s overall prospected oil reserves were found within U.S. boarders and/or holdings. As of 2015 United States oil extraction facilities produced 9,415 barrels of crude oil per day.[3]


Understanding the quantities, and the extraction rates points to a grim future with the United States totally dependent (Sans stockpile reserves, and Gull Island Oil conspiracy theories[4]) on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, (OPEC) for its oil needs by the year:

These figures concern oil and prospected/proven reserves. It is needless to explain that petroleum, or its liquid derivatives, gasoline and diesel fuels, are the most valuable energy sources available. Explained in this case as a base-pertinent-point, because gasoline and diesel fuels make industry and every other energy production possible. Without these two fuels at human disposal, it is predicted that the transportation industry could not viably transport any other energy sources to conversion factories and power plants. It is stated as a part of this thesis that without petroleum commodity to fuel the transportation industry, the electricity industry would suffer a major set-back in day to day operations. It is predicted that without gasoline and diesel fuels, electricity production nearly world-wide would come to a near, complete standstill. It is predicted that without fuel, gasoline and diesel to power the transportation and agricultural industries to plant and harvest crops, grow and harvest live stock, and move those crops and stocks to the processing facilities, and then to the consumers, millions of people around the world will starve.


At this stage in human existence, eighty-three percent of the world’s population lives in areas where electricity is available. That leaves over 1.201 billion people searching for a means to support their communities with electrical power.[2] This will add future taxing on the already taxed energy network world-wide. When these peoples attain contemporary power generation, it will advance these populations into the "Energy Age." When this occurs it will decrease the overall results of the above figures explaining the end of crude oil. Due to increasing populations and advancement of technology into third world countries, Ecotricity predicts that the world will experience an end of economically viable petroleum reserves by the year 2052.[1] That figure resides 20 years in advance of the time when the United States, may, become totally dependent on the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries to fuel its transportation, and agricultural systems. Without gasoline and diesel to power its "Energy Age," the United States is predicted to go into a catastrophic melt-down.


In 2012 Oliver Fritz Director of Policy for the Director of Defense, Captain Chris Tisdale, Director of Operation Energy for the U.S. Navy, Colonel Paul Rouge, Director of Operating Energy Integration for the Army, and Kevin Guiess Department Secretary of Energy for the Air Force, all gave the United States 130 days to go into Catastrophic melt down if the shipping lanes for crude oil from the Middle East were plugged. These predictions were made in a "Personal Conversation" with the author, during the 12 Annual Conference on Science and Policy, Federal Triangle and Ronald Reagan Convention Center, Washington, D.C.


If the U.S. has 130 days to go into catastrophic melt down if the shipping lanes from OPEC are closed, what is going to happen when the Earth no longer provides humanity with crude oil?


As of 2012 world-wide electrical production reached 22.57 trillion kWh. With a total world-wide consumption reaching only 20.99 trillion kWh,[2] 1.58 trillion kWh of electricity is wasted on a year by year basis. These wastes are apprised in the form of friction, mechanical, transmission, copper losses, and various other losses between production facilities and end users, the most notable "energy dumps."[5][6][7] The pressing issue is that without gas and diesel fuels to power the coal mines, or maintain the existing infrastructure, the world will also see an almost simultaneous end of conventional electrical power, around the time crude oil ends.


With these figures and this understanding it is apparent; and it is imperative for the United States culture and populations to search for new technology, while crude oil is still abundant, and wide-spread available. These prospected new technologies need to be implicated soon, in order to curb the ever increasing demands for, and wastes of, energy.


On aspect to note at this time, is that Natural Gas can be used a a feedstock to synthesize gasoline in a laboratory environment. The other pertinent subject is that coal can be used as feedstock to synthesize diesel in a laboratory environment. Therefore there is no real threat of our societies becoming impaired by the lack of available liquid Crude. However, at this time there is the aspects of a warming climate worldwide. Synfuels do nothing to address the carbonization of fuels that have in effect been gasified by humanity and are now trapping heat in the atmosphere. In order to address the waning supply of liquid fuels, petrol and diesel, and to also inhibit the atmosphere for warming further, it is needed that an energy source that does not require petrol, diesel or environment fuels be implicated. 


Sixty-three percent of all electricity production in the world is created through the use of fossil fuels: 6.8% is from nuclear fuels, 18.7% is from hydropower, and 9.2% is from other renewable resources.[2] In a contemporary world of commercial and private energy production, every system also needs failsafe installed to assure that energy reaches end users, with minimal losses and interruption of service.[8]


Major shortfall, at this time, are electrical losses in transmission lines. Other major shortfall are in extracting fossil fuels for energy production. These fuels will sustain a world of energy consumers for as long as fossil fuels remain economically viable. It is a matter of physics, once the contents of a container, such as the Earth are empty, energy production normally powered by fossil fuel will cease to occur.


All of the major reporting agencies, British Petroleum, The Central Intelligence Agency, The U.S. Energy Information Administration, and WorldoMeters have shown that in the future there will be a limited petroleum energy supply for future commerce. It is unethical to assume anything is science. However it is impractical to assume that the major corporations and agencies are wrong in their statistical analysis.


Product Quality Control


This document is not intended to evaluate climate impacts due to anthropological combustion of fossil fuel, climate impacts in general, the quality control of energy extraction or current production facilities, packaging facilities, laboratories, transmission lines, or energy losses due to natural circumstances incumbent in the energy sector. It is shown that there will be no need of these quality control oversights when there is no crude oil to pump from the Earth.


This document is more of a proposal to use other sources of energy found in yet-to-be-tested energy production mechanism, through magnetism, and self propelling turbines. This quality control is not intended to quantify magnetic flux, densities, or any of the physics that characterize individual components, or engineering of prospected outputs. This quality control is proposed to identify the overall physics involved, create and test the geomagnetic compendium, the compendium’s characteristics, the compendium’s packaging materials characteristics, and the quality and safety of the compendium as a result of activation on small scale, and large scale. To correctly document and distribute this QC, this study will identify correct electric and magnetic terminology, standards and safety protocol, respectively, through National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards, and NFPA Standard 70, the National Electric Code (NEC).[9][10] (A list of pertinent codes is located at the end of this thesis.)


To define the optimal characteristics of magnetic design, this study will benchmark its output through ASTM standards involving characterization of the materials involved. (A list of the pertinent ASTM Standards is located at the end of this thesis.)


Geomagnetic Implications


This new technology, the proposed geomagnetic compendium is essentially a wind or water mill that turns on the energies of geomagnetism sans input energies of wind or water. This technology is proposed to produce a great amount of electrical power. A device that emits no exhaust, and requires no input of operational fuels, beyond the manufacturing stage.

This “self-ratcheting” energy harvester, and conversion unit will act as “drop-in”. It could replace the need of batteries.


Part of the premises is that the proposed geomagnetic compendium can be scaled down to fit inside the casing of a watch battery, and possibly far smaller into the micro-world with electromagnetism and graphene technology. It could be scaled up to act as a power station supplying all the power needs for a residential home, to the load demand of entire cities. Essentially this technology would power Thomas Edison’s original dynamo factory, sans the use of fossil fuels, or any other renewable energies as a “drop-in-replacement” to the mechanisms and fuels that are currently powering world commerce.


Electromagnetic Implications


It wasn’t until the advent of graphene technology,[11][12][13] that overall geomagnetic compendium concepts could be realized, as electromagnetic design. Magnetism in graphene is not a function of temperature. It is a function of bonded or vacant bond edges.[13]


With addition of graphene paths within device, which greatly reduce copper coil, magneto weight, and the ferro or geomagnetic materials balance and counterbalance weight that, supply electromagnetic flux into magnetic fields: the electromagnetic compendium could supply its own electrical capacity. This capacity would allow the device electronic superiority over the gas/coal fueled generators. It would require no input of operational fuel, create minimal thermodynamic temperature emissions in comparison, and operate at nearly net-zero operational cost.


Electrification of the device would also eliminate the need to manually smash separate magnetic fields together. An automated smashing effect will begin as the engine begins revolving. Thus, as starting certain propeller airplanes, or older Model-A automobile engines, all that will be required will be the simple rotation of the engine’s cam system. Once put in motion optimal rpm is achieved and the engine will spin out away from itself, and in upon itself in the same moment. Compelling it on. Its oscillation frequencies being controllable by how much power it supplies, and the distribution or alternator busses regulatory control for the electromotive force in coil assemblies, and by providing more energies to individual electromagnetic components. An aspect of the design that could be implicated for electronic applications, where variable speeds and large amounts of electronic torque are required.




Several Years ago, under pseudonym the author wrote a paper concerning electromagnetic radiation. It has sat, gathering dust in the Library of Congress. “Techtronics: The Natural Way of Things,” © 2003; and “Techtronics: 2021, Edyfication,” © 2004. Its central theme is electromagnetic radiation, geomagnetism, and gravitational wave lengths. Orbital fields of ferromagnetic or geomagnetic objects are described in detail. By removing the fluorite structure of gravitational space, the cubed volume of orbital fields are described as toroidal spheres, not necessarily perfect spheres. These magnetic orbits, are the magnetic flux field that surround a magnetic material: such as the gravity surrounding Earth, or the magnetic field surrounding a magnet.


In contemporary mathematics, in order to calculate the volume of a toroidal sphere multivariable calculus leads to the triple integral, (Note: r is a constant.)[14][15]

The flux at the sphere’s Gaussian surface is defined as: [16]

While flux, and combined flux forces are a part of this study. Exact figures, and theoretical combined flux data, as a model to define overall potential energy, are not a part of this study. These engineering concepts warrant further studies.


Magnetic fields are usually not perfect spheres. Multiple variable calculus allows the use of small slices of the Gaussian paraboloid,[14] and then these slices are added together to obtain overall volume. (z; x2+y2+z2= Ω; x1 and x2; are constants.)

This is only a cross section of the paraboloid in two-dimensional space: width and height. In order to get the desired results in all three dimensions, the length of the cross section must be incorporated into the second order, which again produces a third order integral.

In order to obtain overall volume of the magnetic field, each of the inner slices are summed together. The number of individual parts of the whole depend upon overall shape of the paraboloid. This identifies that it could become a very complicated, extensive and tedious list of equations, just to define the Gaussian sphere of a single magnetic field.

For general purposes the physical structure in the base components of matter are used herein to explain the physical components of what could be deemed antimatter, positively charged orbital fields.


Magnetic field characteristics depend on the materials creating the flux. The referenced thesis, Techtronics, utilizes four different novel approaches to define Gaussian surfaces.


Formula 1 identifies the surface wave of elliptic orbits.

It is not necessary, however, to use an integral to define magnet flux. [16]


Single order integrals are in themselves tedious. The inverse of the derivative they are as complicated as they sound. In attempt to better define gravitational wave boundaries, novel concepts are incorporated. Much like the integral is the inverse of the derivative, the novel concept “Tech” is introduced as an-if-albeit-all-incumbent-inverse of “Pi”. This novel concept is one of the central elements in Techtronics©2021. As “Pi” is 3.14159265359. . . “Tech” is 1.9108281. As is directly shown unlike Pi, Tech is not an infinite number. Using “Tech”, it is possible to define Gaussian surfaces with a novel approach, without the use of an integral and without the use of an infinitive undefined area or wave boundary. This concept is only available on stand-alone basis if output desired is a perfect sphere. The farther the shape of the Gaussian surface deviates from a perfect sphere, it necessitates the incorporation of further novel constants. For somewhat oval Gaussian spheres the addition of “Tron”, or 0.125 is required as a multiplier. Working with oblong cubic elliptical orbits, the addition of “Ic” 1.6985131, as a subsequent divisor is also incorporated.


The forces created by magnetic flux in magnetic or gravitational orbital fields are measurable, and their quantification can be assessed in Weber.[17] From the orbital field of a gas giant to the orbital field of an ordinary refrigerator magnetic, to the orbital field of an atom, electron, quark, positron, etc . . . The copy-written manifesto “Techtronics” is important to this engineering concept, both as a representative model and in engineering a “self-ratcheting” geomagnetic energy harness, and conversion process. Not only does the long-form paper supply novel approaches to contemporary mathematics, the non-traditional cubic parametric equations that describe the gravitation wave, and gravitational surface of the flux field; it also supplies the optimal boundaries to address the locations within the magnetic field; that, identify where geo-magnetomotive forces exhibit maximum, or novel asymptotic behaviors.


Once the asymptote, defined by the apogee or the wave boundary, of a magnetomotive force is identified, beyond that point in Cartesian space flux densities experience a decrease, inversely proportional to flux density measured in Weber, and the distance the Cartesian point is from the novel asymptote creating the magnetic field, cubed. Thus a decrease in overall force is observed almost immediately the farther the point is outside the magnetic anomaly, beyond the asymptote of the curve. Beneath the asymptote, within the geomagnetic field, the Weber forces remain constant the closer the Cartesian coordinate gets to the center of the magnetic anomaly. While the magnetomotive forces also remain constant. This is better identified by the geomagnetic field surrounding the Earth, and the constant speed of gravity.


Gravity is constant within the integral, area under the asymptotic curve. No matter how much closer the Cartesian point gets to the surface of the object creating the magnetism, the speed of gravity does not change. It remains constant throughout the field—under the curve. The only way the field beneath the curve can experience a change in gravity, is when the field disintegrates, or is coupled with another field. When the field combines, the resulting magnetomotive forces act as amp-turns of the first field added to amp-turns of the second. Thus increasing overall flux density, and increasing overall potential energy within the system.


It is the asymptote or near to novel asymptotic behavior that defines the optimal zone for magnetic coupling, or combination of magnetic fields. Pressing the fields any further together will result in waste of input energy, and affect the overall efficiency. One unit of magnetic force set against an equal unit of magnetic force would create a combined magnetic field that produced twice the potential magnetomotive forces available for energy conversion, 1+1 = 2; 2+1 = 3; 3 + 1 = 4 and so forth.


This concept is novel. Applying the above asymptotic behavior to celestial entities, as was done in the referenced thesis, Techtronics, in attempt to quantify gravitational wave lengths, and using the data to harness the combined magnetic densities for amp-turn to torque and eventual energy conversion. One result of the former thesis, is that pattern recognition such as Mendeleev used while creating the base anatomy of the periodic table, resulted in the author concluding that Pluto was not a planet. This would not be remarkable, however the former thesis was copy written in the Library of Congress two years before this information was largely understood by the public. 


Conceptual Analyses


3D space is difficult to describe, as explained in the “Significance” section above. Yet there is another aspect in 3D space. On a macro-level empty space is essentially empty void of matter. However, just because space is void of matter, does not mean that space does not contain matter. The matter connected to this quality control and materials design is the density of a magnetic orbital field, this is studies on a micro scale. 


To define volume, and thus magnetic surface of a sphere in empty space, a major axis, a minor axis, a chord, zed axes and vertices are defined. Using these vectors, it becomes possible to identify Gaussian surfaces.




Formula 2 identifies Gaussian surfaces oblong or oval in shape.

For arbitrary purposes, as this paper is more focused at materials design and field combination theory, Formula 2 is paired with the much longer Formula 3.

Though, as Formula 1, Formula 3 also contains the combined theory; which is more suited for a surface identification.


It is Formula 4 however, that is better suited to demonstrate combined theory.

In 3D space three conventional cubic magnets are hypothetically stacked two on bottom, the third on top, centered one over the two below. Polarities of Gaussian surfaces are in positive opposition. Which forces the magnetic fields apart. They release combined theory affect just above the wave boundary. Techtronic© Formula 4, quantifies these wave surfaces.

Each of the 3 cubic units individually divided by “Tech” produces three magnetic (torroidal) spheres, each containing its own quantifiable gravitation. Mechanically wrenching these fields together, and restricting the systems’ environment combines the fields fast. Combining units of magnetomotive force triple flux density, thus the combined theory triples the system’s potential energy. At this point boundary surfaces metamorphose, link together and polarize along the diagonal. This diagonal initiates driving force for propulsion. It interacts with the diagonal plane of a different combined field. That diagonal plane interacts with the third. These mechanically pressed together orbits act as three combined toroidal spheres, (T-sphere). The third diagonal plane interacts with the first. Toroidal forces act, combined, as a compendium forcing the device apart, and forcing the device back together in the next moment. A process that will repeat over and again. Propelling the geomagnetic compendium in a state of continual centripetal gyration for what appears until the Gaussian field deteriorate.


Identifying the relationship between magnetic boundaries, close packed magnetic flux lines within each, and forces repelling each other, it is theorized that by subjecting the fields to a restricted environment, the combined fields will propel the magnetic fields in upon themselves and away from themselves in the next instant. Forcing the design of restrictive and energy harnessing components to spin, move off and spin continuing to spin until the combined theory no longer asserts enough amp-turn upon one another to repel the magnetomotive energy harnessing environment away, and in upon itself. With torque directly proportion to magnetomotive force per unit per number of individual units included.


Whether vertical design, as in the prototype, the horizontal design, or 45 degree gravitational assist; it is hypothesized that these engineered structures pressurized together will produce torque on demand, and thus electricity when coupled, “drop-in” with conventional dynamo, alternator or generator capacities.


The electromagnetic version of the geomagnetic design, will theoretically produce continual torque output. After capital torque is invested in the system. Resulting in magnetic field collision. Forcing the geomagnetic compendium to spin. Opposing forces will not need be mechanically smashed together. They will engage and disengage with the on/off switch, as electric power is supplied to individual magnetic coil units.


Mechanically wrenching, or electrodynamically forcing the fields together however, produces a pressurized environment for or certain permanent magnetic substances. The magnetomotive forces created will continually re-create ab-initio starting and operational torque, for as long as the objects creating the combined magnetic field, remain creating the combined magnetic field. Forces in the geomagnetic compendium will oppose one another in their restrictive environment for substantial periods of time. As molecular oscillations in microwave,[18] oscillating forces inside the spherical or ellipsoidal lattice will continually roll-in upon them self. As the geomagnetic plasma core of the Earth that originally created the magnetic flux in the magnetic material.[19] By combining individual magnetomotive forces in the restrictive environment, the hypothetical output on moment by moment basis can be quantified.


This is energy harvest. It is not perpetual motion. It does not defy the laws of thermo or electrodynamics. Years ago, the Earth’s geosynchronous orbit sequestered on a macroscale magnetic flux into loadstone. This loadstone supplies a plethora of anthropological industries. Once electrified by initial torque, electromotive forces will act, in the electromagnetic compendium as is depicted by physics of the geomagnetic compendium. It is the combined flux theory. T-sphere are proposed to convert and harvest geomagnetic energy as a sustainable means of power production, in a future where energy capital becomes increasingly taxed by rising energy demand and waning crude oil reserves.


Much like smashing three-hydrogen base pairs together to create metallic hydrogen. It will create a great amount of energy, once released from its potential aspect. The problem with hydrogen is keeping the lattice in close-packed form.


On microscale, for comparison, forcing two H+ atoms together would be like forcing the positive sides of two different magnets together. It has been done. With result that when pressure forcing hydrogen together is released, H+ molecules repel each other. Returning in nano-seconds to their gaseous and chaotic state. This represents unharnessed and uncontrollable energies. The scientific community is attempting to circumvent the laws of electro and thermodynamics, to make metallic form hydrogen. The actual physics of this phenomenon were, or at least are the base understanding for the geomagnetic and electromagnetic compendium. Unlike keeping two H+ molecules together, it is essentially easy to wrench two or three magnetic fields of like polarity together, and keep them in that wrenched together state.


H+ Comparison Analyses


A 1935 article by Wigner and Huntington[20] started the quest to create metallic hydrogen. In 2011 Eremets and Troyan[21] made the claim they succeeded by smashing hydrogen atoms together to create metallic hydrogen.


Galushkin, et al, at Don State Technical University, in Shakhty, Russia[22] are the first however to claim to have synthesized an observable form of metallic hydrogen. Galushkin, et al, appear to have gathered in the substance through electrophoresis, and not by smashing the toroidal, geomagnetic, spheres surrounding hydrogen atom's together. This claim was made while experimenting on common nickel-cadmium battery cells that were in use for a period of five years. If the results are correct, this form of atomic metallic hydrogen was created through an electrochemical process. The electro-deposition of atomic metallic hydrogen coated redux cathodes. When the bottom of the cathode, the part submerged in the batteries hydrogen bath, fell off and was subsequently analyzed coating crystals were confirmed as atomic metallic hydrogen. A reaction in base and founded on any number of electrophoresis experiments that, however, cannot be recreated with present technology. Just as the electrochemical homogeneous environment created in Erements’ and Troyan’s[21] Diamond Anvil Cell, containing only positive polarities has never been reproduced. This leads to the conclusion: pressure and temperature alone will not fuse hydrogen gas into solid state. Something else must occur. It must be phase-change in the nucleus of H+ atoms correlated to oxidative and redox reaction. The single electron orbiting the H+ nucleus must be converted into a positron. Stated different, the creation of metallic hydrogen will not occur in normal covalent course, because this course involves bonding through electrons and electron shells. In a world of conventional chemistry this process creates Deuterium, and Tritium.


Eremets’ and Troyan’s[21] experiments were basically a repeat of dynamic compression experiment conducted by Nellis[23] in the late 90's. The gasket was the same in both experiments. The only cognitive difference was the Diamond Anvil, and shock, or explosive compression applied, and the advanced electronic microscope used to view the inside of the anvil cell.


More precisely in 1995 CERN, the European Center for Nuclear Research successfully paired antiprotons with positrons, and for a mere 40 nanoseconds the research team was able to view nine antiatoms of hydrogen.[24]


As with process of the geomagnetic compendium, the creation of metallic hydrogen will not occur at a physically observable rate, until the geomagnetic fields that are forced together, create a mechanism to keep them cemented together.


That should not be a problem on macroscale with the lattice of manageable magnetic orbits in the geomagnetic compendium. Smashing toroidal spheres together, and keeping them mechanically smashed together, the output of geo, and electrodynamically converted and harvested energy could be attained on both micro, and macro levels.


The internal flux engine, or compendium has potential to spin with no input of fuel, as the fuel it will use is the geomagnetic force found sequestered in loadstone or other anthropologically modified materials. Concerning the electromagnetic compendium, as toroidal spheres gyrate their magnetic flux will couple with copper wire in normal course, and create power the electromagnets need to initialize magnetomotive force, and pressurize the environment. Thus forcing the compendium to spin away and in upon itself under its own volition, after having been jump or crank started.


First Generation Prototype


Twenty-four neodymium magnets, N50, 2”x 0.5” x 0.5”, six per toroidal sphere arranged in four T-sphere were smashed in upon themselves. Invisible “antimatter” lattice forces forced the energy harness away from itself, and in upon itself. As one T-sphere pushed one diagonal into the next, on the other side of the compendium, another T-sphere attempted pushing another diagonal back into the wormgear of the system; If, the mechanical aspect, and fixed position of components were robust enough to hold the system fast. In this aspect the individual T-sphere will never let each other rest. Thus they will never stop moving as each T-sphere attempts to escape the magnetic field of the other T-sphere in the system and fails to escape the wave forces. From that point, all that remains is to connect the restrictive components as “drop-in-replacement” for fossile fuel to electricity generating capacity. dynamos. 


The prototype constructed by (proprietary number) small bicycle wheels, connected in three combined series, smashed together three in parallel, creates three T-sphere lattice units. Three magnetic fields theoretically could power the compendium, however the prototype is using four.


These units of magnetomotive force provided by 24 neodymium magnets placed on the diagonal at certain itinerant positions around said wheels. Though, magnets are shaped in square form their cubic measurement create Gaussian surfaces more ellipsoidal as opposed to spherical. This allows for extra added units of force along the magnetic plane, thus aiding overall efficiency of the device. Each of the 24 magnets are in positive opposition contributing to the overall output, as combined theory force is made available.


The problem faced with Prototype-1 was inferior components, vastly due to a low budget retrofit of inferior reengineered materials.


When timing magnetic fields to combine and disengage and combine and disengage and combine and disengage, along the four different points of the three T-sphere the force created by Prototype-1 forced the wheels apart and out of time. This occurred because bearing rings in the bicycle wheels were tightened down upon the hub, so that hubs of the bicycle wheels would work to supply the eventual torque needed for energy harvest. While loosening the bearing rings allowed the individual components to be moved around the hub in order to properly time the wheels with the rest of the wheels in the compendium. Unfortunately, though a process was designed to press the four different points along the T-sphere together, the combined theory forces overcame the hub-lock ability to keep the wheels locked in their geosynchronous orbit, and the device pushed itself away from itself, and back in upon itself several different time, but lacked the proper 'Locking Together' mechanisms to enable to stay in place and the prototype essential overpowered itself and pushed itself our of time. The result was a static system, and was vastly due to inferior components.


This was much like what occurred to Erements and Troyan in their attempt to create metallic hydrogen. After identifying metallic hydrogen inside the diamond anvil, once the pressure was released the metallic substance returned to its gaseous state. It was the same in the instance above. Once the magnetic fields were pressed together, the wheels slipped on the hub, and the systems combined magnetic fields simply pushed one-another out of each other’s active flux zone, identified by the Gaussian surface.


With timing an essential component, without the ability to maintain a pressurized environment inside the compendium, the use of inferior components has stalled progress. It is theorized that with larger budgets, a superior hub and wheel will be constructed, and superior smashing  and locking mechanisms for magnetic field combination will be attained.


Expected outcomes


Prototype-1 is about the size of a V-8 engine block. Its overall size dictated by the size of the small children’s bicycle wheels used as components to create the centripetal gyrations within.


It is expected that as a result of an extended budget the above creation and testing procedures, and as a result of the proper documentation of those procedures and results, that the materials characteristics of the geomagnetic compendium—as consumers would find it when purchased would pass Underwriter Laboratory Quality Control rigorous testing and be deemed fit for human interaction and power conversion for a plethora of end use activities.


At this time, Energy Consultation and Material’s Design, (ECMD) as a scientific entity and business believe that further testing needs be objective. It is also believed, through Planck form isolations, or other magnetic field quantification formulae, engineering mathematics will define theoretical data quantifying overall potential output of the combined theory. Further characterization of magnetic orbits is also needed for a better understanding of gravitational waves, the combined theory, and flux densities. It is also postulated that other mathematicians quantify the quality of the novel equations, and 'New Math,' herein. If these calculations and are disproven, then a better analysis will result. With these results ECMD could then publish the results in a favorable light that would include enabling full disclosure, and full logistics for scalability.




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National Fire Protection Association Codes


NFPA 34. Standard for Dipping, Coating, and Printing Processes Using Flammable or combustible Liquids


NFPA 51B. Standard for fire prevention during welding, cutting, and other hot work.


NFPA 70. National electric Code®


NFPA 70B. Recommended practice for electrical equipment maintenance


NFPA 70E. Standard for electrical safety in the workplace®


NFPA 72. National fire alarm and signaling code


NFPA 76. Standard for the fire protection of information technology equipment


NFPA 77. Recommended Practice on Static Electricity


NFPA 79. Electrical standard for industrial machinery


NFPA 80. Standard for fire doors and other opening protectives


NFPA 88B. Standard for repair garages


NFPA 101. Life Safety Code®


NFPA 110. Standard for emergency and standby power systems


NFPA 221. Standard for high challenge fire walls, fire walls, and fire barrier walls.


NFPA. Guide on principles and practices for communications systems


NFPA 496. Standard or Purged and Pressurized Enclosures for electrical equipment


NFPA 551. Guide for the evaluation of fire risk assessments


NFPA 651. Standard for the Machining and finishing of aluminum and the production and handling of aluminum powders


NFPA 791. Recommenced practice and procedures for unlabeled electrical equipment evaluation


NFPA 850. Recommended practice for fire protection for electric generating plants and high voltage direct current converter stations


NFPA 851. Recommended practice for fire protection for hydroelectric generating plants.


NFPA 855. Standard for the installation of stationary energy storage systems.


NFPA 951. Guide to building and utilizing digital information


National Electric Codes


NEC 200. Use and identification of grounded conductors

NEC 210. Branch circuits


NEC 240. Overcurrent protection


NEC 250. Grounding and bonding


NEC 300. General requirements for wiring methods and materials


NEC 310. Conductors for general wiring


NEC 352. Rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit; type pvc


NEC. 368. Busways


NEC 398. Open wiring on insulators


NEC 430. Motors, motor circuits, and controllers


NEC 445. Generators


NEC 450. Transformers and transformer vaults (including secondary ties)


NEC. 455. Phase converters


NEC 460. Capacitors


NEC 470. Resistors and reactors


NEC 480. Storage batteries


NEC 490. Equipment over 1kV, nominal


NEC 511. Commercial garages, repair and storage


NEC 516. Spray application, dipping, coating, and printing processes using flammable or combustible materials


NEC 625. Electric vehicle charging system


NEC 630. Electric welders


NEC 645. Information technology equipment


NEC 647. Sensitive electronic equipment


NEC 699. Electroplating


NEC 685. Integrated Electrical Systems


NEC 694. Wind electric systems


NEC 700. Emergency systems


NEC 701. Legally required standby systems


NEC 705. Interconnected Electric power production sources


NEC 706. Energy storage systems


NEC 708. Critical operations power systems


NEC 710. Stand-alone systems


NEC 712. Direct current microsystems


NEC 720. Circuits and equipment operating at less than 50V


NEC 727. Instrumentation tray cable; Type ITC


NEC 728. Fire-resistive cable systems


NEC 750. Energy management systems


NEC 760. Fire alarm systems.


NEC Informative annex A product safety standards


NEC Informative annex B application information for ampacity calculation


NEC Informative annex F availability and reliability for critical operations power systems; and development and implementation of functional performance tests (FPTs) for critical operations power systems.


NEC Informative annex G supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)


NEC Informative annex H administration and enforcement


NEC Informative annex I recommended tightening torque tables from UL standard 486A-B


NEC Informative annex J ADA standards for accessible design


American Society for Testing Materials


ASTM D883-12 Standard terminology relating to plastics


ASTM D5740-11 Standard guide for writing material standards in classification D4000 format


ASTM D6436-14 Standard guide for reporting properties for plastics and thermoplastic elastomers


ASTM D4092-07(2013) Standard terminology for plastics: dynamic mechanical properties


ASTM D638-14 standard test method for tensile properties of plastics


ASTM D732-10 Standard test method for shear strength of plastics by punch tool


ASTM D5023-15 standard test method for plastic; dynamic mechanical properties: in flexure (three point bending)


ASTM D5024-15 Standard test method for plastics: dynamic mechanical properties: in compression


ASTM D5025-15 Standard test method for plastics: dynamic mechanical properties: in tension


ASTM D4364-13 Standard practice for preforming outdoor accelerated weathering tests fo plastics using concentrated sunlight

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